Cyrene (Hannah H.)
Certified trainer through Penn Foster. Mentored under The Balanced Dog LLC. 8+ years of experience in dog training. CGC Evaluator through the AKC. Previous veterinary medicine experience. IACP member (International Association of Canine Professionals). IAABC member (International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants). Dog Program Manager at a municipal animal shelter.

My Story
Founded officially in 2022, we offer a variety of options that focus on pet communication, socialization and science-based behavioral theory. No matter what service you book with us, you’re guaranteed to learn everything there is to know about raising a respectful and problem-free pet. At Drogo's Purpose, our aim is to provide real solutions to the most common challenges that pet owners face. Through expert behavioral coaching and applying kind, approachable, and needed principles, we are here to help you alleviate all of that unwanted owner stress.
Drogo's Purpose is based off of my personal dog Drogo. I adopted him at the age of 18. I had to medically withdraw from college my 2nd year of school when my disabilities had gotten too severe. I had exhausted all options over 10+ years and wanted to try the service dog route. When I adopted Drogo I thankfully had some amazing service dog trainers in the local area at the time. He ended up giving me back a big part of my freedom despite my disabilities. Unfortunately in March of 2021 at the age of 4 he was diagnosed with the end stages of kidney failure, and I lost him only 3 months later. Due to Drogo he got me into dog training. He gave me the courage to fight for my disabilities in any way it was needed. I looked into any resource I could for training dogs and even into dog behavior. I became motivated to help people find resources to help them when they needed it. Where I live now the resources are fairly limited. I follow the ADA, FHA, and, IAADP training standards while many trainers aren't familiar with these standards. My hope is to help the community have affordable training for basic obedience and to even help have affordable options for those who wouldn't be able to have the option otherwise, to look into a service dog. All owners should be able to access dog training and all disabled individuals should be able to have the access to what works for them. Drogo was able to show me a whole new world and I hope to help others too.